Monday, November 9, 2009

First Haircut

I've been putting off getting Avery's first haircut for a little while now, because I felt pretty confident that she would never sit still in the chair and have some stranger mess with her hair. But we've passed by the kid's hair salon several times recently and Avery's been very interested in going inside (for the sole purpose of playing on the slide they have inside, but interested nonetheless). So we've been talking to her about how they only let little kids who get their hair cut play on the slide etc etc, to try to prepare her. She kept saying "ok" when we'd explain things to her, and given her recent love of suckers and her infatuation with videos (both of which I knew would be part of the gig), I thought it might be the right time to take the plunge.

We had a twenty minute wait or so when we got there, so Avery got plenty of play time on the big slide (and plenty of time to catch the swine flu, as one after another hacking child ran past her to also go down the slide ;)). Finally, it was our turn.

We picked an airplane seat for Avery, even though she wanted to sit on the dog, since this was an actual seat with seatbelt, unlike the dog which she could easily fall off of if not behaving. After some initial kicking and screaming, Avery sat down in the plane once she had her sucker in hand and video on.

From then on she did REALLY well. I couldn't believe how nicely she was sitting there.

I expected a whole lot of drama, and got very little, thank goodness.

A little primping at the end. Doesn't she look so happy? HA! The cut's just a little shorter than we were anticipating, but it looks pretty cute , and is much more manageable, so momma's happy.

1 comment:

  1. looks like she was really lovin' that sucker! her curly hair is cute!
