Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2 Weeks? Aaaaaaah!!!

For those who have requested a recent picture of the baby bump, this one was taken on Thanksgiving:

I went to the doctor on Monday for my 36 week checkup. He made the comment that we could be having this baby in three weeks, if all goes well, to avoid being in the hospital on Christmas day (which we would like to do). He's talking about possibly inducing on the 16th or 17th. But when I looked at the calendar after he left the room, that's really more like 2 1/2 weeks (and now it's pretty close to just 2 weeks). That piece of information sort of hit me like a ton of bricks. It's not that I haven't been looking at the calendar, because I have. But I guess since we weren't even in the month of December yet, and my due date is the 25th, it felt like I still had a month. Well, not anymore! I still have lots to do, not necessarily to prepare for the baby, because most of that is done, but mostly to prepare for Christmas. If none of it got done, it would be fine, we would just figure it out later, but that doesn't change my new-found sense of urgency to get some things crossed off my list!

At the appointment the doctor checked me and I am only 50% effaced and not dilated at all (but the baby is head down, so that's good). He said my cervix needs to catch up in order to even do the induction when he's talking about doing it. So it's possible the baby's birth date could be a little later than currently anticipated I guess, if my cervix doesn't cooperate. We'll just have to wait and see!


  1. You look GREAT, Jamie! It's very exciting that your due date is Christmas day. I think the doc is probably going to push you a bit to induce early. Meli's due-date was actually the week of Thanksgiving, but the doc chose to induce a few days before. We deduced that he did that so that he could have his holiday without worrying about being on call...? :(

  2. Hi Stephanie, we actually asked our doctor if we could induce early because I don't want to be in the hospital on Christmas Day (for multiple reasons, one being that I'm not confident that the most experienced people will be working that day, and that's not what I want when I'm delivering). My doctor does happen to be taking vacation days the week of Christmas too, so I would be guaranteed to have another doctor from their office that I'm not familiar with delivering the baby. I'm not really crazy about that either, so I guess both my doctor and I are interested in inducing early, but like I said, if my body doesn't cooperate and progress a little more before then, we won't be able to induce as planned anyway. At this point we're just waiting too see how it all plays out!

  3. Oh my goodness, you look great! by 36 weeks, I just looked like a big ole whale! And look how proud Avery looks!

  4. Jamie. Once again your Dec. Daily is turning out amazing! I'm taking pictures in case I want to go back and make one myself. I LOVE seeing how yours turns out.

    Good luck with the arrival of your little guy!
